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WVU-SW-PCE  2009



Upcoming WVU Division of Social Work Workshops in next 3 weeks


Jacki Englehardt <[log in to unmask]>


Jacki Englehardt <[log in to unmask]>


Thu, 26 Feb 2009 17:30:35 -0500





text/plain (144 lines) , Spring 2009 Brochure.pdf (144 lines)

More info and registration form attached

March 5, 2009, 1-4pm, Monongalia General Hospital Conference Center,
Tate Room, Morgantown, WV
Photography for Social Workers: Visually Promoting Your Agency
Neal A. Newfield, PhD, ACSW, LICSW, Associate Professor, West Virginia
University, Division of Social Work
CEU’s: 3 Social Work hours, 3 CECNPM (Special Topics/Electives)
Registration Fee: $35

Social work agencies provide vital services but often these services
are invisible. Agencies need compelling images for websites,
promotional brochures and other materials used to solicit funds or
garner community support. This workshop will help improve the quality
of your photography. You will learn principals of composition,
storytelling, and how to “see like a camera”. These concepts will
be taught by examining the work of several photographers. Model releases
and other legal matters will also be addressed.

March 6, 2009, 1pm-5pm, Gaston Caperton Center, Room 149, Clarksburg,
“This is My Life We’re Quarreling About!”
Fran Allen, MA, LSW, Mediator, Mediation Services, Counseling &
Wellness Center
CEUs: 4 Social Work hours, 3.75 LPC hours
Registration Fee: $45

Accepting your dependence on others can be transforming. At the same
time it can be infuriating, scary and depressing. Providing support for
another person can be rewarding. It can also be complicated, exhausting
and thankless. When there is conflict, stress increases, and both care
giver and care recipient can feel trapped and disrespected. This
practical workshop offers an approach to preventing or resolving
conflict, so that both care giver and care recipient are respected while
ensuring the best possible experience to the person whose life is at the
center. Helping professionals will learn valuable techniques which they
can use when working with caregivers and care receivers.

March 13, 2009, 10am-12pm, Gaston Caperton Center, Room 149,
Clarksburg, WV
Ethics in the Nonprofit Environment
George W. Lilley Jr., EdD, Retired CEO, Valley HealthCare System
CEU’s: 2 Social Work hours; 2 CECNPM (Core Area: Nonprofit
Fundamentals – Organizational Design and Infrastructure) NOTE: NOT a
SW ethics approved session.
Registration Fee: Registration Fee: $25 or take afternoon session for a
combined fee of $50

Did you rise up through the ranks with little independent decision
making requirements? Have you been required to make decisions among
competing interests and not known there was even an ethical
consideration? During this session the learner will hear, consider and
practice needed management skills utilizing ethical principals in the
nonprofit human service practice setting.

March 13, 2009, 1-4pm, Gaston Caperton Center, Room 149, Clarksburg,
Board of Directors Governance of Nonprofits
George W. Lilley Jr., EdD, Retired CEO, Valley HealthCare System
CEU’s: 3 Social Work hours; 3 CECNPM (Core Area: Board of
Directors/Governance – Board Self-Goverance (2 hours); Board of
Directors/Governence – Board Operations (1 hour))
Registration Fee: Registration Fee: $35 or take morning session for a
combined fee of $50

During this session the learner will hear and consider legal and
practical aspects of non-profit, board governance. Participants will
learn about the West Virginia non-profit corporation act, concepts of
Duty of Care, Obedience and Loyalty. The class will cover practical
matters such as the roles and functional activities of a Board,
recruitment, Board – staff relations, Board Executive Director
relations, why Boards don’t govern plus answers to numerous common
questions about board functioning. Materials such as a sample contract
between Board and Staff concerning finances; a sample job description
for Board members; and a 40-page document answering common questions
about board governance will we reviewed and distributed. Even if you
are not the Executive Director of a non-profit you will increase your
management skills by participating in this class.

March 17, 2009, 9am-12pm, Monongalia General Hospital, Mylan Room,
Morgantown, WV
Take Charge: A Tool for Adolescent Substance Abuse Prevention and
Jordyn Hagar, LGSW, Therapist , Department of Behavioral Medicine and
Psychiatry, Chestnut Ridge Center
CEU’s: 3 Social Work hours, 2.75 LPC hours
Registration Fee: $35

This workshop will cover the topic of adolescent risk-taking behaviors
and introduce a tool, the Take Charge curriculum, to aid in both
prevention and treatment of these behaviors. Originally designed to
address adolescent addictions, this evidence based curriculum has proven
effective in addressing a variety of adolescent risk-taking behaviors,
including substance abuse, gambling and sex. The curriculum touches on
issues of anger and stress management, trust, conflict resolution,
problem solving, decision making, taking responsibility, and goal
planning, among other awareness and self-building topics. Participants
will be trained in the use of this program, receive a copy of the
curriculum, and have the opportunity to implement this program with
ongoing consultation as well as engage in the ongoing study of this
curriculum. This session is designed for mental health professionals
who work or plan to work with adolescents, either individually or in
group settings, who are interested in learning a new and effective tool
for developing protective factors and resiliency skills in the face of
the very real difficulties associated with adolescence.

March 18, 2009, 9am-12pm, Warwood Center, Wheeling, WV
Effective Leadership
Donna M. Tennant, BA, Admission/Marketing Director, Sundale Nursing
Home and Diane Kisinger, MSW, Agency Relations, United Way of Monogalia
and Preston Counties/Volunteer Connection
CEU’s: 3 Social Work hours, 2.75 LPC hours, 3 CECNPM (Core Area:
Human Resource Development – Management)
Registration Fee: $35 or take afternoon session for a combined fee of

Leaders are those individuals who inspire confidence, undermine desire,
fight fear, initiate positive and productive actions, light the candles,
define the goals, and paint a brighter tomorrow. Effective leadership is
essential for those in the
nonprofit sector. Whether dealing with co workers and volunteers or
interacting with community members, both emerging and existing leaders
will take home new knowledge and skills to learn how to become stronger
and prepare for future success.

March 18, 2009, 1:30-4pm, Warwood Center, Wheeling, WV
The E-ticket ride! Managing a Nonprofit Board
Robin A. Smith, LSW, Executive Director, WV 211 and Adjunct Instructor,
WVU Division of Social Work
CEU’s: 2.5 Social Work hours, 2.5 CECNPM (Core Area: Board of
Directors/Governance – Board Self Governance)
Registration Fee: $30 or take morning session for a combined fee of $50

Managing nonprofits boards can be as exciting as a roller coaster!
There are ups, downs, curves and twists. This workshop will review
fundamental nonprofit board information including specific issues such
as conflict of interest statements, recruitment, training and
development, retention, rural environment influences and roles and

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