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WVU-SW-PCE  2009



Nonprofit Workshops sponsored by WVU - May 2009


Jacki Englehardt <[log in to unmask]>


Jacki Englehardt <[log in to unmask]>


Tue, 5 May 2009 14:57:47 -0400





text/plain (114 lines) , Spring 2009 Brochure.pdf (114 lines)

There are still spots available in the following nonprofit workshops
sponsored by WVU Division of Social Work

Registration form attached. Hope to see you soon!


May 8, 2009, 10am-12pm, Gaston Caperton Center, Room 149, Clarksburg,
Expanding the Circle of Influence: Inclusive Leadership Strategies
Joe Frontiera, PhD, and Dan Leidl, PhD, Meno Consulting, Morgantown,
CEU’s: 2 Social Work hours; 2 CECNPM hours (Core Area: Human
Resource Development - Management)
Registration Fee: $25 or take afternoon session for a combined fee of
Target Audience: Intermediate practitioners

Most leaders work long and hard to achieve status in their
organization. As they strive to get to the top, some inadvertently lose
sight of an important point: organizations are comprised of multiple
systems, generations, levels of experience, and most importantly,
valuable individuals. Leaders collectively close the leadership circle
when access to the decisions, rationale, and strategies that guide an
entire organization are restricted to the leadership team. In
organizations with closed circles, employees watch decisions trickle
down from above, often feeling powerless as the process unfolds.

This workshop specifically targets non-profit leaders who want to
create or expand their leadership circle. Through open discussion and
case studies, participants will learn how to effectively assess the
current environment within their organization and expand their circle by
involving other individuals. This can empower the workforce, increase
employee commitment, satisfaction, and performance.

May 8, 2009, 1pm-3pm, Gaston Caperton Center, Room 149, Clarksburg, WV
Passing the Torch: Leadership Development in Nonprofits
Joe Frontiera, PhD and Dan Leidl, PhD, Meno Consulting, Morgantown, WV
CEU’s: 2 social work hours; 2 CECNPM hours (Core Area: Human
Resource Development -Management)
Registration Fee: $25 or take morning session for a combined fee of
Target Audience: Intermediate practitioners

Research indicates that the most effective organizations have a culture
that not only adapts to customers’ ever-changing needs, but also
places an emphasis on internal leadership development. Two prominent
symptoms exist in organizations that fail to focus on leadership
development: 1) New managers feel wholly unprepared for their
leadership roles, lacking the skills and know-how necessary for maximum
efficiency and effectiveness; and, 2) Current leaders feel overwhelmed
with continually making decisions for the sake of imparting
“buy-off” while large-scale strategic decisions are ignored.

The purpose of this workshop is to communicate the importance of
leadership development, provide examples of leadership development
programs from other organizations, and generate ideas that will assist
with leadership development within the unique organizations in
attendance. Not only does leadership development take pressure off of
the existing leadership team, but it will appropriately prepare your
organization for future challenges and achievements.

May 14, 2009, 9am-5pm, Monongalia General Hospital Conference Center,
Mylan Room, Morgantown, WV
Who Knew? - Planning Your Fundraising Year
Beth Raps, PhD, fundraising and organizing consultant and teacher
CEU’s: 7 Social Work hours; 7 CECNPM (Core Area: Resource
Development - Special Topics in Resource Development (5 hours) and
Resource Development - Financial Resource Development (2 hours))
Registration Fee: $75
Target Audience: All levels of practitioners

How can we avoid a “whoops!” feeling at the end of the fundraising
year, plan ahead for each year in ways that grow our organizations yet
don’t make us crazy, and make good on our projections with reasonable
confidence? Experienced fundraisers know ways to make reasonable
estimates of the likelihood of success of each basic type of
fundraising, which are most appropriate to use with which audiences, and
how to integrate them into a doable yearly plan that builds and sustains
our organizations and our relationships with donors. Become one of
these lucky, serene people!

At the conclusion of this workshop, participants will have a draft
yearly fundraising plan for their organizations that allows for both
stability and growth, and anticipates and addresses lean times. To
accomplish this most powerfully, participants should bring their
organization’s annual income and expenditure statements for 2008
and/or 2009, preferably broken out by month. If both projected and
actual statements are available, it is even more productive for
participants to bring both, and if these are available for the past 3-5
years as well as 2009, it is very useful to have them in hand. It is
also desirable for more than one participant to come from a single
organization; this can be any combination of staff, volunteers, and
Board members (note: discounts for multiple registrants from the same
agency are available - email [log in to unmask] for more information).

Jacki Englehardt, MSW, ACSW
Coordinator of Professional and Community Education
Division of Social Work
West Virginia University
PO Box 6830
Morgantown, WV 26506

304-293-3501, ext. 3109
fax: 304-293-5936
cell: 304-282-0321
Summer Institute on Aging Website: www.wvsioa.org
WVU Division of Social Work Website: http://socialwork.wvu.edu

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