Women and Addiction: Substances and Gambling
March 9, 5:30-7:30pm
Wheeling, WV
Substance abuse treatment ignored the specific needs of women for many years. Researchers have now discovered that gender-specific treatment for women leads to greater success and long term sobriety. To highlight this topic which affects many women in the Ohio valley, a panel discussion will be held in Wheeling. This is presented by the West Virginia University Masters in Social Work Program and cosponsored by WV-NASW and OVMC.
The panel of local experts in the field arranged by the Wheeling Cohort of the MSW program will cover the following aspects of women and addiction: the disease concept of addiction; identify the experimental/social using through addiction; describe the impact that trauma has on the ability for women to recover; as well as discuss the treatment which is gender specific.
A wide range of professionals will be included and will cover alcohol and other substances, as well as gambling. The evening is open to the public. The date is Tuesday, March 9 at 5:30pm -7:30pm and will be held at the OVMC Nurses Residence, Eoff St. Two hours of continuing education will be offered through the Division of Social Work, West Virginia University (approved for WV, PA, MD, & VA licensed social workers). Please contact Chatman Neely at [log in to unmask] by Monday, March 8th if you plan to attend.
Learning Goals:
To expand knowledge of unique treatment approaches to working with women who have addictions
To provide an overview of services available to treat women who have addictions
To provide gender specific techniques for those who work with women who may abuse substances and/or have a gambling problem.