We still have space in the following workshops this December. Please
see attached Fall 2010 brochure for more details and the registration
(For the final workshop use 2nd attached form)
December 10, 2010, 10am-4pm, Gaston Caperton Center, Room 149CC,
Clarksburg, WV
When Ethics and Law Collide: How Common Ethical Issues Can Give Rise to
Lawsuits and How You Can Avoid that Happening to You!
Jennifer Powell, MSW, LGSW, JD, Assistant Dean, WVU College of Law
Career Services; Assistant Adjunct Professor, WVU Division of Social
CEU’s: 5 Social Work hours (Approved for 5 SW Ethics hours)
Registration Fee: $55
Social workers routinely face complicated issues in their practice that
involve addressing and resolving complex ethical issues. By law,
licensed social workers in West Virginia must adhere to their
responsibilities as outlined in the NASW Code of Ethics. However, it
may not be enough to understand the ethical issues involved. Ethical
issues can also quickly turn into expensive, embarrassing civil lawsuits
against social workers and their agencies. It is important for social
workers to improve their ethical decision making to not only improve
their practice but to also reduce their risk of being named in an ethics
complaint or civil lawsuit. This workshop will help a licensed social
worker understand how common ethical issues can give rise to civil
lawsuits including social work malpractice claims and will give
practical suggestions on how to minimize the risk of having ethics
complaints and lawsuits filed against the social worker. Participants
will work through specific case examples involving
privacy/confidentiality, documentation in client records/reports and
conflicts of interest to demonstrate these concepts.
NOTE: for the following workshop, use the second attached form
December 14, 2010, 9am-5pm, WVU-Charleston, Robert C. Byrd Health
Sciences Center, Room 2044, Charleston, WV
Sex, Sexuality, and Sexual Orientation Issues of Older Adults
Samuel Leizear, MSW, LGSW-Field Coordinator, WVU Division of Social Work
CEU’s: 7 Social Work hours; 6.5 LPC hours
Registration Fee: $75
Sexuality in older adults has typically been the “elephant in the middle
of the room,” that we have not addressed as social service
practitioners. However, as the Baby Boomers age, as modern science and
health care interventions enhance and extend human’s “activity” levels
and quality of life, it is a topic we must both acknowledge and address.
This workshop will present information on how to broach this sensitive
topic with older adults and their family members, as well as how to
educate older adults and informal and formal caregivers regarding
respectful and safe sexual activity in a variety of living settings, the
vital role that sexual expression and activity plays in one’s emotional
and physical well-being, the specific issues faced by older adults who
identify as something other than heterosexual, and the reality that
sexual activity among older adults does exist and needs to be addressed
as part of their care plans in community-based and residential settings.