>>> "Sam Hickman" <[log in to unmask]> 1/25/2010 4:06 PM >>>
Community Action "Hero" Nomination Form
Social Work Month-March 2010
* Do you know a professional social worker who has created a
program or led a campaign to meet an important human service need in
your community?
* What did this social worker do to organize people, resources and
allies to improve multiple lives in your community, or possibly the
* NASW will showcase 100 of the best submitted profiles during
National Professional Social Work in March 2010. Deadline for entries
is February 19.
Please send answers to these five questions to
[log in to unmask] :
* What is the name and e-mail of the nominated social worker?
* What campaign, program or organization do they lead?
* Which community is served by their efforts? (town, city, state,
* What impact did this social worker's contribution have on their
* What is your name and contact information?