Limited space still available in the following workshop - if interested
please fax attached registration form to 304-293-5936 or call Morgan at
304-293-3501, ext. 3110
March 28 and April 18, 2009, 9am-4:30pm, Days Hotel, Flatwoods, WV
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: Assessment and Treatment of Returning
Combat Zone Veterans
R. Jeremy Harrison, MSW, LGSW, Vet Center Therapist, Wheeling, WV,
Operation Iraqi Freedom Veteran
CEU’s: 15 Social Work hours, 14 LPC hours
Registration Fee: $150
Target Audience: Practitioners of all levels
The problems of returning veterans have had a detrimental impact on not
only the veterans, but their families, employers, communities, and
friends, as well as the social service agencies that have opened up
their doors to assist many in this population. Many of the non-VA
agencies are struggling to help because they do not clearly understand
the veteran, nor the uniqueness of his or her situation, thus further
complicating an already confusing and stressful situation.
This workshop will provide participants with a detailed look at the
problems facing our nation’s newest veterans, and what is and is not
being done to ease the transition from combatant to civilian. An
overview on military terminology, expectations, and stereotypes will be
discussed, as well as chief complaints and concerns from our veteran
families. Current assessment and preferred treatment methods will be
reviewed and discussed, as well as changes being made by the Department
of Defense and the Department of Veterans Affairs to better address
veterans and family concerns.
Learning Objectives: At the conclusion of this course, participants
will have a detailed understanding of the military and veteran
population in general; understand the causes, symptoms, and preferred
treatment methods of PTSD; recognize the reasons veterans do and do not
seek treatment; understand impact of veterans with PTSD on family
members; identify what resources are available for veterans and their
families; describe the transition from combatant to civilian.