>>> Marilyn Smith <[log in to unmask]> 6/24/2009 3:02 PM >>>
Please post this information to the listserv.
The WVCA is pleased to invite you to present at the Fall Conference, scheduled for Days Hotel at Flatwoods WV October 1-3, 2009. This year's theme is
"Bringing the Future into Focus"
Please submit your program proposal by August 1, 2009, to allow time for program committee review and approval for CEU's. The program application is attached. Pre-conference workshops are especially welcome in areas of special interest (such as autism, for example) for the afternoon of October 1. Please indicate in your proposal if you are interested in submitting it as a possible pre-conference workshop. These special presentations may also include the required training (3 CEU's) for Counseling Supervisors (ALPS). Workshops may be requested for 1.5 or 3.0 hours in length.
You may send your proposal by email to [log in to unmask] or by regular mail to : WVCA Program Committee, PO Box 187, Cabin Creek, WV 25035.