WVUH Care Management Presents:
Domestic Violence: What do YOU Know?
DATE: Tuesday, June 23, 2009
TIME: 3:00PM-6:00PM
LOCATION: John E. Jones Room C, WVU Hospitals, Morgantown, WV
PRESENTER: Stephanie Utt,
Prevention Coordinator for RDVIC
COST: $10.00 - Cash or check. Make checks out to WVUH Care Management
Department. Can mail payment or pay at the door.
Workshop will focus on the following:
1. Health Care Response to Domestic Violence
2. Domestic Violence and Communities of Faith.
3. Domestic Violence and the Workplace.
Sponsored by WVU Hospitals Dept. of Care Management PO Box 8237
Morgantown, WV 26506
3 CEU’s approved for WV Social Workers.
Please contact Yasmin Matheson at 598-4000, opt. 1, Ext. 75532 or via
email at [log in to unmask] to register.