Big Brothers Big Sisters of NCWV has a position open for a Match Support Specialist. This person would be responsible for calling volunteers, parents and children and checking/nurturing the growth of the match. This position requires good written and oral communication skills. You must be able to follow directions and utilize the computer. This is a part-time position for 5-10 hours a week in our Morgantown office. Hours would be worked in the later afternoon early evening. Applicant must have a Social Work or other Human Service Degree. Please fax or send your cover letter, 3 references and resume to: 500 Mylan Park Lane, Suite 2, Morgantown, WV 26501, Fax: Attn BBBS 304-983-2318.
Sylvia Hawkins
Big Brothers Big Sisters
of North Central West Virginia
304-983-2383 x 104 (Morgantown)
304-983-2318 (fax)