Information from the WV Chapter of NASW - Save the Date!
Social Work Day at the Legislature
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
9 AM - 3 PM (tentative times)
Cultural Center and Capitol (both on Capitol Grounds--awaiting confirmation)
This will be followed with our Legislative reception honoring Social Workers
at the Charleston Marriott Hotel that evening.
You will be receiving additional information, but we wanted to make sure you
had the date.
We hope to have a HUGE turnout of professional social workers and social
work students throughout the state to show our Legislators that social workers
are WATCHING them and are very interested in issues affecting our profession
and the people we serve.
In order to cover our expenses (meeting space, refreshments, materials) we
will need to again charge a minimal registration fee. You will be receiving
registration information via email as soon as all the details have been
worked out.
We want to give participants as much time as possible at the Capitol, but
also want to provide guidance and direction so people will not feel so
overwhelmed when they are there.
Participants will be encouraged to set up meetings with their Legislators
and will also be given the opportunity to observe committee meetings etc. NASW
will have a Social Work Booth that will be set up at the Capitol to provide
information throughout the day.
Please mark Wednesday, January 30, 2008 on your calendars for 2007 Social
Work Day at the Legislature!