Attached is a flyer for this year's Silent Witness Opening Program
(Oct 9th, 7:00, Morgantown) and Exhibit. Please distribute as you
see fit. Thanks!
The event is unique because each speaker is introduced by a song about
domestic violence (DV), performed by a live musician. It gives
participants an opportunity to really hear the words and emotions.
Speakers include representation from RDVIC (services) and WV Coalition
Against DV (how DV impacts children). We will also have Ruth Kersher
discuss DV as a health issue and Melissa Latimer discuss theories
explaining DV. Finally we will have a survivor give her perspective.
Overwhelmingly, evaluations of past events note how powerful the event
was. Please consider attending, if you have not been before.
Three social work CEs are being offered for the event. (If requesting
CE's, you can pre-register (
or register at the event.)
Jacki Englehardt, MSW, ACSW
Coordinator of Professional and Community Education
Division of Social Work
West Virginia University
PO Box 6830
Morgantown, WV 26506
304-293-3501, ext. 3109
fax: 304-293-5936
cell: 304-282-0321
Summer Institute on Aging Website: