WVU Division of Social Work is happy to offer an informative and
important workshop coming up on 3/24/06 in Martinsburg, WV; "Legal
Issues for Social Workers" by Jennifer Powell, MSW, JD. This session
approved for 7 SW CEUs and is also approved for ethics hours. Cost is
$75 and the event will be held from 9am-5pm at the Dorothy McCormack
Center (on the campus of City Hospital), 2000 Foundation Way, Suite
2500, Martinsburg, WV. Pre-registration is required by March 17. [A
registration form will follow in a separate email.]
More details about the workshop are listed below. If you have any
further questions, please email me at [log in to unmask] or
call 304-293-3501, ext. 3109
Feel free to let others know of this great opportunity - thanks!
Jacki Englehardt, MSW, ACSW
Coordinator of Professional & Community Education
March 24, 2006 ~ Dorothy McCormack Center, Martinsburg
Legal Issues for Social Workers
Jennifer Powell, MSW, JD, Assistant Dean, WVU College of Law
9am-5pm, 7 SW CEUs Approved for 7 ethics hours
Fees: $75
This workshop will help any licensed social worker understand the
issues surrounding social worker malpractice and ethics complaints in
West Virginia. Social workers will learn the specific West Virginia
laws that govern their practice and will learn the various types of
legal proceedings that social workers may be involved in regarding
own practice. They will also learn why social workers get sued and
they can do to minimize their risk of being named in a malpractice
action or ethics complaint.
Learning Objectives: Upon completion of the workshop, participants
will be able to: Identify and review the statutory and regulatory
guidelines that govern social work practice in WV; identify and
understand the consequences of the legal proceedings that social
may be involved in, including administrative proceedings in front of
Board of Social Work examiners, civil liability and professional
malpractice lawsuits, and criminal proceedings; review the NASW Code
Ethics as it influences ethics proceedings and malpractice actions;
learn common reasons why social workers get sued or brought up on
charges and how to minimize the likelihood that will happen to them;
review some of the common legal issues that face social workers'
and review common legal proceedings that social workers may have to
participate in; and, review and learn tips for improving your skill in
testifying in a legal proceeding.